--- title: "`cvCovEst`: Cross-Validated Covariance Matrix Estimation" author: "[Philippe Boileau](https://pboileau.ca), [Brian Collica](https://github.com/bcollica), [Nima Hejazi](https://nimahejazi.org)" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette bibliography: ../inst/REFERENCES.bib vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{cvCovEst: Cross-Validated Covariance Matrix Estimation} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ## Background and Motivation When the number of observations in a dataset far exceeds the number of features, the estimator of choice for the covariance matrix is the sample covariance matrix. It is an efficient estimator under minimal regularity assumptions on the data-generating distribution. In high-dimensional regimes, however, this estimator leaves much to be desired: The sample covariance matrix is either singular, numerically unstable, or both, thereby amplifying estimation error. As high-dimensional data have become widespread, researchers have derived many novel covariance matrix estimators to remediate the sample covariance matrix's deficiencies. These estimators come in many flavours, though most are constructed by regularizing the sample covariance matrix, or through the estimation of latent factors. A comprehensive review is provided by @fan2016. This variety brings with it many challenges. Identifying an "optimal" estimator from among a collection of candidates can prove a daunting task, one whose objectivity is often compromised by the analyst's decisions. Though data-driven approaches for selecting an optimal estimator from among estimators belonging to certain (limited) classes have been derived, the question of selecting an estimator from among a diverse collection of candidates remains unaddressed. We therefore offer a general, cross-validation-based framework for covariance matrix estimator selection to tackle just that. The high-dimensional asymptotic optimality of selections are guaranteed based upon extensions of the seminal work of @laan_dudoit:2003, @dudoit2005, and @vaart2006 on data-adaptive estimator selection to high-dimensional covariance matrix estimation [@boileau2021]. The interested reader is invited to review theoretical underpinnings of the methodology as described in @boileau2021. ## Cross-validated Covariance Matrix Estimation Let there be a high-dimensional dataset comprising $n$ realizations of $i.i.d.$ $p$-length random vectors with a possibly nonparametric data-generating distribution. Our goal is to estimate these random vectors' covariance matrix, which may be accomplished using our general cross-validated estimator selection framework. Given a library of candidate estimators, a loss function, and a choice of cross-validation scheme, `cvCovEst()` will identify the asymptotically optimal estimator of the covariance matrix from among all candidates. It subsequently estimates this parameter using the selected candidate. An example is provided below. Lists and brief descriptions of implemented candidate estimators, loss functions, and cross-validation schemes are provided in the sequel. ```{r brief-example} library(MASS) library(cvCovEst) set.seed(1584) # generate a 50x50 covariance matrix with unit variances and off-diagonal # elements equal to 0.5 sigma <- matrix(0.5, nrow = 50, ncol = 50) + diag(0.5, nrow = 50) # sample 50 observations from multivariate normal with mean = 0, var = Sigma dat <- mvrnorm(n = 50, mu = rep(0, 50), Sigma = sigma) # run CV-selector cv_cov_est_out <- cvCovEst( dat = dat, estimators = c( linearShrinkLWEst, denseLinearShrinkEst, thresholdingEst, poetEst, sampleCovEst ), estimator_params = list( thresholdingEst = list(gamma = c(0.2, 0.4)), poetEst = list(lambda = c(0.1, 0.2), k = c(1L, 2L)) ), cv_loss = cvMatrixFrobeniusLoss, cv_scheme = "v_fold", v_folds = 5, ) # print the table of risk estimates cv_cov_est_out$risk_df # print a subset of the selected estimator's estimate cv_cov_est_out$estimate[1:5, 1:5] ``` ### Candidate Estimators Covariance matrix estimators implemented in the `cvCovEst` package are catalogued in the following table. These estimators are fed to the `cvCovEst()` function through the `estimators` argument as a vector. If these estimators rely on hyperparameters, then they must be passed to the `estimator_params` as a list. Depending on one's assumptions --- or lack thereof --- about the true covariance matrix, one may choose to use a subset of these estimators or all of them. Of course, they may also be used as standalone functions. |Estimator | Implementation | Description | |----------|----------|-------------| | Sample covariance matrix | `sampleCovEst()` | The sample covariance matrix. | | Hard thresholding [@Bickel2008_thresh] | `thresholdingEst()` | Applies a hard thresholding operator to the entries of the sample covariance matrix. | | SCAD thresholding [@rothman2009;@fan2001] | `scadEst()` | Applies the SCAD thresholding operator to the entries of the sample covariance matrix.| | Adaptive LASSO [@rothman2009] | `adaptiveLassoEst()` | Applies the adaptive LASSO thresholding operator to the entries of the sample covariance matrix. | | Banding [@bickel2008_banding] | `bandingEst()` | Replaces the sample covariance matrix's off-diagonal bands by zeros. | | Tapering [@cai2010] | `taperingEst()` | Tapers the sample covariance matrix's off-diagonal bands, eventually replacing them by zeros. | | Optimal Linear Shrinkage [@Ledoit2004] | `linearShrinkLWEst()` | Asymptotically optimal shrinkage of the sample covariance matrix towards the identity. | | Linear Shrinkage [@Ledoit2004] | `linearShrinkEst()` | Shrinkage of the sample covariance matrix towards the identity, but the shrinkage is controlled by a hyperparameter. | | Dense Linear Shrinkage [@shafer2005] | `denseLinearShrinkEst()` | Asymptotically optimal shrinkage of the sample covariance matrix towards a dense matrix whose diagonal elements are the mean of the sample covariance matrix's diagonal, and whose off-diagonal elements are the mean of the sample covariance matrix's off-diagonal elements. | | Nonlinear Shrinkage [@Ledoit2020] | `nlShrinkLWEst()` | Analytical estimator for the nonlinear shrinkage of the sample covariance matrix. | | POET [@fan2013] | `poetEst()` | An estimator based on latent variable estimation and thresholding. | | Robust POET [@fan2018] | `robustPoetEst()` | A robust (and more computationally taxing) take on the POET estimator. | | Spiked Operator Loss Shrinkage [@donoho2018] | `spikedOperatorShrinkEst()` | The asymptotically optimal shrinkage estimator based on the operator loss in a Gaussian spiked covariance model. | | Spiked Frobenius Loss Shrinkage [@donoho2018] | `spikedFrobeniusShrinkEst()` | The asymptotically optimal shrinkage estimator based on the Frobenius loss in a Gaussian spiked covariance model. | | Spiked Stein Loss Shrinkage [@donoho2018] | `spikedSteinShrinkEst()` | The asymptotically optimal shrinkage estimator based on the Stein loss in a Gaussian spiked covariance model. | Note that `cvCovEst()` only functions with estimators native to this package. If you'd like to request a new estimator implementation, please submit an [issue](https://github.com/PhilBoileau/cvCovEst/issues) to the queue. ### Loss Functions Given a collection of candidate estimators, `cvCovEst()` compares their conditional cross-validated risks to identify the optimal selection. The loss function used to compute these risks should reflect both aspects of the data-generating distribution and the goal of the estimation procedure. This package currently implements three loss functions: | Loss | Implementation | Description | |------|----------------|-------------| | Matrix-based Frobenius | `cvMatrixFrobeniusLoss()` | The default, based on the Frobenius norm. Appropriate when the dataset's features are of similar magnitudes. | | Variance-scaled matrix-based Frobenius | `cvScaledMatrixFrobeniusLoss()` | A scaled version of the matrix-based Frobenius loss, where weights are the inverse of products from the sample covariance matrix's diagonal. Appropriate when the features of the dataset are of different magnitudes. | | Observation-based Frobenius | `cvFrobeniusLoss()` | Based on the Frobenius norm and the rank-1, observation-level estimates of the sample covariance matrix. Its selections are equivalent to that of the matrix-based Frobenius, though less computationally efficient. However, the optimality results of @boileau2021 rely on it. | The choice of loss function is set trough the `cv_loss` argument. Like the candidate estimators, `cvCovEst()` only supports loss functions implemented in this package. Please submit suggestions to the [issue](https://github.com/PhilBoileau/cvCovEst/issues) queue. ### Supported Cross-Validation Schemes Two cross-validation schemes are currently supported by `cvCovEst()`. Please consider filing an [issue](https://github.com/PhilBoileau/cvCovEst/issues) in the queue to request the implementation of another cross-validation scheme. | Scheme | Details | |--------|---------| | V-fold | To use V-fold cross-validation, set the `cv_scheme` argument in `cvCovEst()` to `"v_fold"`, and set the number of folds through the `v_folds` argument. `cvCovEst()` defaults to 5-fold cross-validation. | | Monte-Carlo | To perform Monte-Carlo cross-validation, set the `cv_scheme` argument to `"mc"`. Set the proportion of data to be used in each validation set using the `mc_split` argument, and the number of iterations to perform with the `v_folds` argument. | ## Diagnostic Tools In addition to selecting an optimal estimator, the `cvCovEst` package contains summary and plotting methods which highlight the statistical properties of the candidate estimators, and inform the performance of the selection framework. These tools help build intuition about these estimators' behavior and allows for the evaluation of their performance over varying inputs. ### Summary Method The `summary()` method for `cvCovEst` accepts an `object` argument, a named `list` of class `cvCovEst`, a `dat_orig` argument, the original data used to calculate the covariance matrix estimates, and a `summ_fun` argument, a character vector specifying the type of summary function to use. These summary functions allow the user to quickly compare the performance of several classes of estimators and compute other metrics of interest. The choices of `summ_fun` and their outputs are described below: | Summary | Implementation | Description | |---------|----------------|-------------| | Empirical Risk by Estimator Class | `empRiskByClass` | Returns the minimum, 1^st^ quartile, median, 3^rd^ quartile, and maximum of the empirical risk associated with each class of estimator passed to `cvCovEst()`. | | Best Performing Estimator by Class | `bestInClass` | Returns the specific hyperparameters, if applicable, of the best performing estimator within each class along with additional metrics. | | Worst Performing Estimator by Class | `worstInClass` | Returns the specific hyperparameters, if applicable, of the worst performing estimator within each class along with additional metrics. | | Empirical Risk by Hyperparameter | `hyperRisk` | For estimators that take hyperparameters as arguments, this returns the hyperparameters associated with the minimum, 1^st^ quartile, median, 3^rd^ quartile, and maximum of the empirical risk within each class of estimator. Each class has its own `tibble` which are returned as a `list`. | When either `bestInClass` or `worstInClass` is specified, the additional metrics are the condition number, the sign, and the sparsity. Sign refers to the estimate's sign and is one of positive-definite (`"PD"`), positive-semi-definite ("PSD"), negative-definite ("ND"), negative-semi-definite ("NSD"), or indefinite ("IND"). If an estimate results in a zero matrix, then the sign is returned as `"NA"`. Sparsity is calculated at the proportion of total entries in the estimate which are equal to zero. ### Plot Method The `plot()` method for `cvCovEst` allows users to visualize three main `plot_type`s of the candidate estimators: covariance heat maps (`heatmap`), eigenvalue plots (`eigen`), and the empirical risk (`risk`) as a function of the hyperparameters (for applicable estimator classes). If users do not specify a plot type, then all three plots are combined into one figure for the optimal estimator selected by `cvCovEst()`. Users can also achieve this by setting `plot_type = "summary"`. The heat maps and eigenvalue plots facilitate comparisons both within and between estimator classes by allowing multiple values to be passed as `estimator` and `stat` arguments. Additional arguments specific to each `plot_type` are outlined below: #### Heat Map | Argument | Description | |----------|-------------| | abs_v | If `TRUE`, then the absolute value of the covariance is mapped. Otherwise, the signed value is used. | #### Eigenvalue Plot | Argument | Description | |----------|-------------| | leading | If `TRUE`, then the k leading eigenvalues are displayed. Otherwise, the k trailing eigenvalues are displayed. | | k | The number of leading or trailing eigenvalues to plot. | #### Empirical Risk These two additional arguments only apply to estimators with multiple hyperparameters: | Argument | Description | |----------|-------------| | switch_vars | If `TRUE`, the hyperparameters used for the x-axis and factor variables are switched. | | min_max | If `TRUE`, only the minimum and maximum values of the factor hyperparameter will be used. | # Simulated Data Analysis Example To show how the plot and summary methods can be used, data is simulated from a predetermined covariance matrix following a Toeplitz structure. The data is then passed to `cvCovEst()` along with a handful of estimators. ```{r toep-sim} set.seed(1584) toep_sim <- function(p, rho, alpha) { times <- seq_len(p) H <- abs(outer(times, times, "-")) + diag(p) H <- H^-(1 + alpha) * rho covmat <- H + diag(p) * (1 - rho) sign_mat <- sapply( times, function(i) { sapply( times, function(j) { (-1)^(abs(i - j)) } ) } ) return(covmat * sign_mat) } # simulate a 100 x 100 covariance matrix sim_covmat <- toep_sim(p = 100, rho = 0.6, alpha = 0.3) # sample 75 observations from multivariate normal mean = 0, var = sim_covmat sim_dat <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = 100, mu = rep(0, 100), Sigma = sim_covmat) # run CV-selector cv_cov_est_sim <- cvCovEst( dat = sim_dat, estimators = c( linearShrinkEst, thresholdingEst, bandingEst, adaptiveLassoEst, sampleCovEst, taperingEst ), estimator_params = list( linearShrinkEst = list(alpha = seq(0.25, 0.75, 0.05)), thresholdingEst = list(gamma = seq(0.25, 0.75, 0.05)), bandingEst = list(k = seq(2L, 10L, 2L)), adaptiveLassoEst = list(lambda = c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), n = seq(1, 5)), taperingEst = list(k = seq(2L, 10L, 2L)) ), cv_scheme = "v_fold", v_folds = 5 ) ``` ### Summary Method The `summary()` method is then used to compare the best performing estimators in each class: ```{r summary-sim} cv_sum <- summary(cv_cov_est_sim, dat_orig = sim_dat) cv_sum$bestInClass ``` In this case, the tapering estimator with `k = 6` achieves the lowest empirical risk. It is also one of the few positive definite matrices, though its condition number is worse than that of the linear shrinkage estimator's estimate. The resulting estimate is also less sparse than that of the other sparsity-enforcing estimators "best" estimates. We can take a closer look at the estimator's performance based on other possible hyperparameter values by hashing `taperingEst` from the `hyperRisk` list. ```{r hyperRisk-sim} cv_sum$hyperRisk$taperingEst ``` ### Plot Method By specifying `plot_type = "risk"`, we can see the change in empirical risk as the value of `k` changes. A summary of the cross-validation scheme and loss function is displayed at the bottom of all `cvCovEst` plot outputs. ```{r risk-sim, fig.height = 3.5, fig.width=4} plot(cv_cov_est_sim, dat_orig = sim_dat, plot_type = "risk") ``` We can also examine the matrix structure as the value of `k` changes. Examining the overall sparsity of the resulting estimator can be useful since, in some cases, the assumption of sparsity is not warranted. Note that the absolute values of the estimate's entries are displayed to emphasize the structural differences between choices of hyperparameters. ```{r multi-heat-sim, fig.height=3.5, fig.width=7} plot(cv_cov_est_sim, dat_orig = sim_dat, plot_type = "heatmap", stat = c("min", "median", "max")) ``` If the signs of the covariances are of interest, they can be displayed by setting `abs_v = FALSE`: ```{r sign-multi-heat-sim, fig.height=3.5, fig.width=7} plot(cv_cov_est_sim, dat_orig = sim_dat, plot_type = "heatmap", stat = c("min", "median", "max"), abs_v = FALSE) ``` The difference between the optimal estimator selected by `cvCovEst()` and the sample covariance matrix is clear when displaying their respective heat maps side by side. ```{r samp-heat-sim, fig.height=3.5, fig.width=5} plot(cv_cov_est_sim, dat_orig = sim_dat, plot_type = "heatmap", estimator = c("taperingEst", "sampleCovEst"), stat = c("min"), abs_v = FALSE) ``` We may also be interested in the eigenvalues of the various banding estimators. The distribution of eigenvalues relays information such as the condition number or the positive-definiteness of the resulting estimator. As with the other plot types, if the `estimator` argument is not specified, the default is to display the optimal estimator selected by `cvCovEst()`. ```{r eigen-sim, fig.height = 3.5, fig.width=5} plot(cv_cov_est_sim, dat_orig = sim_dat, plot_type = "eigen", stat = c("min", "median", "max")) ``` Specifying multiple values in the `estimator` argument allows us compare the eigenvalues of the other estimator classes as well. ```{r multi-eigen-sim, fig.height=4.5, fig.width=6} plot(cv_cov_est_sim, dat_orig = sim_dat, plot_type = "eigen", stat = c("min", "median", "max"), estimator = c("taperingEst", "bandingEst", "linearShrinkEst", "adaptiveLassoEst")) ``` As previously mentioned, simply calling the `plot()` on the output of `cvCovEst()` and providing the original data will result in a visual summary of the selected estimator. ```{r plot-summary, fig.height=8, fig.width=8.5} plot(cv_cov_est_sim, dat_orig = sim_dat) ``` ## References